Is your cat or dog experiencing an emergency? Spring House Animal Hospital provides urgent care for pets during our regular business hours.
Veterinary Emergencies
If you think your pet is experiencing any of the following, please call us right away. If outside of our business hours, please call your local veterinary emergency hospital.
- Severe bleeding or bleeding that doesn't stop
- Obvious signs of pain or extreme anxiety
- Choking, difficulty breathing or continuous coughing/gagging
- Fractured bones or severe lameness
- Seizures and/or staggering
- Bleeding from nose, mouth, rectum, or blood in urine
- Inability to urinate or pass feces, or pain associated with urinating or passing feces
- Severe vomiting or diarrhea; 2+ episodes in 24-hours
- Injuries to the eye(s)
- Your pet has ingested something poisonous (such as antifreeze, xylitol, chocolate, rodent poison, etc.)
Learn More about Animal Poison with the ASPCA - Heat stress or heatstroke
- Refusal to drink for 24 hours or more
- Unconsciousness